50 States, 50 Sizzling Dishes: The Ultimate Foodie Road Trip Through The USA

Avocado Toast from California

Avocado toast is the Californian darling that took the world by storm. It’s a native Mesoamerican fruit that found its perfect climate in the Golden State, and Californians have been enjoying it in various forms for centuries. Here, it’s more than just breakfast; it symbolizes sunshine, health, and hipster coolness.

But beneath the creamy avocado and meticulously arranged toppings lies a story as rich and layered as the dish itself. While the exact birthplace is debated, California undeniably claims avocado toast’s rise to fame. In the 1920s, avocado toast recipes started popping up in local cookbooks, with toppings like lemon juice and salt.

Next: Have you ever eaten Fool’s Gold?

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