50 States, 50 Sizzling Dishes: The Ultimate Foodie Road Trip Through The USA

Kālua Pork from Hawaii

Kālua Pork, a quintessential Hawaiian delicacy, embodies Hawaii’s rich cultural heritage and culinary traditions. This dish dates back to ancient feasts known as ”aha’aina” or ”luau” where kālua (meaning “to cook in an underground oven”) was reserved for special occasions.

The process involves slow-cooking a whole pig in an imu, which is an underground oven, resulting in tender, smoky, and flavorful meat. This age-old technique imparts a distinct, smoky taste to the pork, which is then shredded and often served with rice, poi, or other traditional Hawaiian dishes. Kālua Pork’s popularity surged beyond Hawaii, capturing people’s palates worldwide.

Next: Home of the best finger steaks in the country.

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