Buffet Baddies: Dishes You Shouldn’t Touch with a Ten-Foot Fork!

Deep Fried Food Caution

Fried chicken at a buffet might whisper sweet nothings to the taste buds, but it’s a siren song you might want to ignore. Here’s the crunchy truth: fried foods, while irresistibly tasty, sit in a pool of regret (also known as oil), leading to sogginess and a heavy feeling that outstays its welcome.

Not to mention, they’re a calorie-packed detour on your buffet journey. Opting for grilled or steamed alternatives is a nod to healthier eating and a tactical move to keep your buffet experience light, satisfying, and free from the greasy grip of remorse. Therefore, steer clear of the fryer’s edge and make a beeline for cleaner, crisper choices.

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