Buffet Baddies: Dishes You Shouldn’t Touch with a Ten-Foot Fork!

Swap Creamy Sauce for Marinara Sauce

Pasta smothered in creamy sauce at a buffet can be like a culinary bear trap—enticing at first glance but potentially ensnaring. The creamy appeal, often loaded with dairy, can be a heavyweight champion of hidden calories and sluggish digestion. It’s not just the lactose that’s the issue; its’ dense, rich nature can leave you feeling more stuffed than satisfied.

Enter marinara, the lighter, brighter alternative. This tomato-based hero offers a zesty, flavorful embrace without the post-meal weigh-down. It’s rich in tomatoes, which means antioxidants aplenty, and it keeps your buffet strategy buoyant and delicious. So, skip the cream and court the tomato. It’s a match made in buffet heaven.

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