Buffet Baddies: Dishes You Shouldn’t Touch with a Ten-Foot Fork!

The Rise and Fall of Buffet Pizza

Old pizza under a buffet’s heat lamp is like a once-glorious empire now fallen into ruin. Initially majestic, its cheese turns into rubbery despair, while the crust transforms from crisp to chewy cardboard. This culinary tragedy unfolds in just a few hours under the relentless glare of the heat lamp, far from the fresh-out-of-the-oven splendor.

Food safety experts wave the red flag after just two hours at room temperature, signaling the end of pizza’s prime time. Beyond this, it’s not the age-old art you’re experiencing, but a rehearsal for potential discomfort. So, unless you fancy a slice of disappointment, let that pizza pass in search of fresher conquests.

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