Buffet Baddies: Dishes You Shouldn’t Touch with a Ten-Foot Fork!

The Dark Side of Chocolate Fondue

Ah, chocolate fondue—the buffet’s pièce de résistance, where strawberries and marshmallows plunge into a pool of molten cocoa. Tempting? Absolutely. Safe? Well, that’s another story. Fondue’s open, communal nature makes it a magnet for airborne intruders like sneezes and coughs.

Imagine a sneeze guard’s effectiveness against a determined germ—it’s more suggestion than a barrier. And then there’s also the question of freshness. Chocolate left warming for hours might start to tell tales of yesterday’s glory, morphing from silky to stale. So, before you dip, remember that chocolate might have been around the block more times than you’d like to think.

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