Buffet Baddies: Dishes You Shouldn’t Touch with a Ten-Foot Fork!

The Orange Loaf’s Bitter Twist

The Orange Loaf Cake, a sweet confection infused with orange zest and juice, beckons with its bright, citrusy aroma. Originating from the sunny groves of citrus-loving countries, it promises a refreshing bite. However, when it graces the buffet table, proceed with caution.

The essence of its appeal—the citrus—can also be its downfall. Citrus elements in the cake can start to ferment if left out too long, altering the delightful tang into something unpleasant. Furthermore, the moist nature of this cake can make it a haven for bacteria over time. While it whispers tales of orchards in bloom, this loaf might leave a sour note at the buffet.

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