Buffet Baddies: Dishes You Shouldn’t Touch with a Ten-Foot Fork!

Meaty Misadventures At The Buffet

When eyeing that glistening slice of roast beef or succulent pork at the buffet, it’s best to proceed cautiously. While these meats promise a hearty bite, their journey on the buffet line can be uncertain. The main concern? Undercooking. Buffet meats, in their rush to please the masses, may skip the thorough heat treatment needed to kill off bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria.

These uninvited microscopic guests can turn a meaty delight into a risky endeavor, making the buffet’s carnivorous offerings a gamble on your gut. Sometimes, the safest bet is to stick with items where cooking temperatures are less of a guessing game.

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