Guessing Game: Which Celebrities Are the Surprising Stars of Taylor Swift’s Songs?

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things (Reputation, 2017)

Who was it about: Kanye West

Lyrics: “Friends don’t try to trick you… Get you on the phone and mind-twist you… And so I took an axe to a mended fence.”

Story behind the lyrics: Through her lyrics, Taylor’s spilling the tea on the infamous 2016 phone saga with Kanye. The phone call that was supposed to be a peace offering turned into a plot twist worthy of a thriller when Kanye called, seeking approval for a name-drop. But oops—he forgot to mention the part where he calls Taylor a “b*tch” in his song “Famous.” This track is her declaration of independence from the drama, her way of saying, “Game over, buddy!” She’s chopping down the fence of faux-friendship with the axe of her wit and sass.

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