Guessing Game: Which Celebrities Are the Surprising Stars of Taylor Swift’s Songs?

Song: Innocent (Speak Now, 2010)

Who was it about: Kanye West

Lyrics: “It’s okay, life is a tough crowd… 32, and still growin’ up now… Who you are is not what you did… You’re still an innocent.”

Story behind the lyrics: Taylor, at the ripe age of 22, reflected on life’s turbulent path. The lyrics speak to someone still navigating the ups and downs of growing up. This song is widely interpreted as an olive branch to Kanye West following the infamous 2009 VMAs incident. Taylor, then a rising country-pop star, won the award for Best Female Video for her song “You Belong With Me.” As she began her acceptance speech, Kanye suddenly appeared on stage. He grabbed the microphone from her and declared that Beyoncè should’ve won instead of Taylor.

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