Thinking of Getting Tattooed? These Fails Might Change Your Mind!

‘Dicisions’ You Can’t Ctrl+Z!

Oh, America, land of the brave, home of the… spelling-challenged? Here, we have another addition to our “tattoo typos hall of fame.” Folks, the golden rule before any ink session: ALWAYS proofread! Actually, double-proof it. Heck, get your grammar-loving Aunt Edna to give it a once-over! You know, an estimated 14% of tattoo recipients regret their tattoos due to spelling mistakes.

Our brave soul here wanted a daily reminder to live in the present but ended up with a constant nudge about a past “dicision.” For the next tattoo session, maybe she’ll ink “always spell-check” right next to this beauty. And hey, everyone loves a good redemption story, right?

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