Sometimes money can be tight, especially during the holiday season because you have to prepare for the festivities. Because of this and all the presents you are expected to buy, you usually end up with little to no cash to spare. It’s no secret that going out on dates can be expensive – what with planning, driving to the location, and then paying for the fine dining experience. Sure, you’d have a great time but your wallet will not be extremely happy at the end of the day.

Pexels | Sit back and relax; you are staying indoors for this one
However, before you hang your dating hat up, there are so many budget-friendly indoor date ideas that do not require you to step outside the comfort of your home or spend the big bucks.
So, are you ready for some quality one-on-one time with your loved one?
1. How About a PowerPoint Party
PowerPoint parties are a new trend and include giving a thorough presentation on topics you are passionate about. For example, if you want your significant other to watch a documentary with you, it might be as simple as hopping onto your laptop and making a PowerPoint presentation to make your case. Although these presentations are usually humorous and lighthearted, they are also a great way to learn more about your partner’s interests or introduce them to yours.

Pexels | The world can take you out of the museum but they can’t take the museum out of you
2. Maybe Get Historical
Since the lockdown, many museums have started giving virtual tours, which is excellent for people who don’t want to step out of the house. If you and your partner are interested in history and all things museums, then you should definitely check out these virtual tours. You can explore Musée d’Orsay in Paris, France, and Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York straight from your bedroom!

Pexels | Experience Broadway from the comfort of your home
3. Watch Broadway Online
Like almost everything in this world, Broadway has also made its way to online platforms after theaters were shut down during lockdown. You can enjoy a good time with your loved one by watching Broadway on channels like Broadway HD, an ad-free service that plays Broadway shows every single minute of the day. Bring out your artsy-musical side and sing along to your favorite musicals using a monthly subscription plan that you can buy online for $8.99.
We don’t know about you but these date ideas are definitely going to be utilized soon.